Fighting Crime with Data and Analytics

Number talks, and statistics can help us see patterns and make more informed decisions. How do you make decisions if you can't even process all the information that is available to you? 

This is why I believe Data Science matters, in almost all area of life. By collecting and processing the data available, the trends and patterns can be very revealing. It can help us see the inefficiencies and mistakes within our working systems and improve how we do things.

However, I think this particular topic warrants its own particular warnings. when it comes to crime and justice, one must remember that statistics is just what it is - a number, the average, the trend, an indicator. It cannot and should not be used to predict what an individual will choose to do. If we go as far as arresting people based on the future probabilities that they will commit a crime, then we have robbed society and citizens of our world the basic right of being able to choose and be responsible for our own actions.


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