What Gaming Taught Me About Life

  For all the young gamer out there

Lately, after completing my professional qualification, I’ve had more time to pursue my hobbies and gaming has been one of my favorites. I find it both stimulating and relaxing to experience different worlds and challenges. I also believe that gaming in moderation has some real-life benefits. For example, it can teach problem-solving skills, teamwork, and creativity. These are all skills that can be applied to other areas of life, such as work and school. I believe that successful gamers can transfer these gaming skills and mindsets to other areas of life.

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In Games, the Objective (Quests) Are Well Defined

If you play video games, you probably know what objectives and side quests are. They are the goals that guide you throughout the game in the game world. In his book “Winners and how they succeed”, Alistair Campbell explains how having a clear objective is the key to success in any field. As a gamer, you would have to figure out the best way to reach your objective, using different strategies and tactics. For example, if your objective is to defeat the final boss, you might need to level up your character, collect better weapons and armor, or find allies to help you.

But setting good objectives in real-life is not easy. Unlike in games, you don’t have a clear mission or a quest log to follow. You have to decide what you want to achieve and why. This can be a daunting task, but it is essential if you want to achieve your goals.

There are a few things to keep in mind when setting objectives in real life. First, your objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This means that you should be able to clearly define what you want to achieve, how you will measure your progress, and when you want to achieve it. Second, your objectives should be challenging but realistic. You don’t want to set yourself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals. Finally, your objectives should be meaningful to you. If you’re not passionate about your goals, you’re less likely to stick with them.

If you’re used to completing and thinking in terms of objectives, you might have an advantage when it comes to setting goals in real life. You’re already familiar with the process of completing goals, breaking them down into smaller steps, and tracking your progress. This can be a helpful framework to use when setting goals in other areas of your life.

OST Mindset in Games

Gaming and Strategy

If you want to succeed in a game, you need to master its rules, mechanics, and come up with winning strategies. You need to experiment with different options and figure out how the game works. The same applies to the real economy. There are many ways to achieve financial security, but most of us don’t learn them in school.

In his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, Robert Kiyosaki explains that too many of us simply don’t understand the rules of the game. We live in a capitalist system, and the goal is not to get a good job, a high salary, or a promotion; these are just tactics, not the objective. One of the main missions is to accumulate enough capital that allows you to create something that can generate passive income, so that you don’t have to trade your time for money, allowing you the freedom to choose what you do. Unfortunately, I see too many folks spend everything they earn and rely on their jobs for survival. They never realize the hidden rules of the game they are playing.

Think about this carefully, and come up with your winning strategy to achieve this main mission. Everything you want to do in life is based on the foundation of financial security, without it you have less say in how you get to spend your time and what you can do.

Gaming and Tactics

One of the coolest things about gaming is how creative gamers can get when they face a challenge. Whether it’s a puzzle, a boss fight, or a stealth mission, gamers always find different ways to overcome obstacles and have fun. You can see this in action by watching Youtube videos of various games and noticing how gamers come up with their own solutions based on their skills, preferences, and resources. This shows that when a game gives a clear and engaging problem, gamers unleash their imagination and innovation.

Perseviliance is often required in a boss fight

Gaming and Perseviliance

Viewers of my Youtube channel would know that I am a big fan of the action RPG game the Nioh series, I enjoy training to be a Samurai and fighting demons in ancient Japan. The game is challenging and requires a lot of perseverance. You have to learn from your mistakes and keep trying until you win. I think this is a valuable skill for life, it helps you overcome obstacles and improve yourself. Gamers are good at embracing failures and levelling up their “game”.

However, there are no auto-saves in real life. You can’t just reload your save file if you make a mistake. This means that you need to be careful about the choices you make. You need to make sure that the strategy you use is safe and that you’re not putting yourself at too much risk. As you become more experienced and financially stable, you can afford to take on slightly more risks.

Learn From Failure: It Is OK to Start Over

Just like in games, inevitably we all make mistakes sometimes. By taking calculated risks, not exceeding what you are able to cope with financially, it is ok to start again if a particular project or strategy fails. However, bear in mind that time and money are both scarce resources in this game, so make sure you use them wisely.

Conclusion: Gaming and Life

One of the reasons I love my job is that it feels like playing a game and I am getting paid playing it. The game is about increasing productivity and ensuring smooth operations, and I excel at it. The business environment is dynamic and we need to adapt to each “patch update”, which keeps the job engaging. I think many gamers don’t realize that work is not so different to gaming. You just need to find the game that you enjoy playing, learn the system and your role within that world, and most gamers would thrive I believe.


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