
Showing posts from July, 2012

What matters?

A sense of injustice For many years, ever since I was little, I believed that tackling global poverty must be the most urgent and the most worthwhile cause to pursue. In my view, those of us that are privileged, we the lucky ones born in developed countries, have a social and moral responsibility to help, where we can. For a long time I thought this strong feeling is purely due to compassion, however, as I grew older I began to realise that it actually has more to do with a sense of injustice, a feeling of unfairness in our world today that is at play.  Traditional charity does not seem to work I realised at a young age that traditional charity does not seem to work. I remember asking my mother how much I had to donate so that a beggar would not have to beg anymore; my mother's answer was a simple one "don't be silly, the beggar will just spend it all". The Chinese have a saying that "better help those in urgent need than help the poor", the rationa