
Showing posts from February, 2014

Learn your life's purpose in the next 5 minutes..

How many people do you know that are seemingly successful in life, but they are just not happy? Does money bring joy, if in the process of earning that money you had to give away a part of your soul or it comes as the result of creating more problems in our world rather than helping to solve them? Do you feel you deserve what you have? To be truly happy, one should have an understanding of their "purpose". Are you able to answer those questions? - Who you are?  (Going beyond your name, it helps to know what you are about as a person.) - What you do? (At this moment, what is the one thing that you feel that you are qualified to teach others?) - Who do you do it for? - What those people want and need? - How they change as the result of your effort? These questions were extracted from the video that I will show you below. It is rather interesting that more than half of the above questions are about others rather than yourself. Perhaps as human beings, we

Fun egg experiments

May be it is the accent or perhaps it's the fun science, but this was very funny to watch. Amazing what you can do with eggs. Now I know the perfect way of removing egg yolks!

Positive psychology - be happier and work better

This is a very funny talk. It was like listening to stand up comedy instead of a lecture. The underlying message is a very powerful one though. Among other things, it talks about the importance of positivity in our happiness level and which in turn affects our performance at work. Help to spread happiness by sharing this short video. Have fun finding your own "happiness advantage".

Use mosquitoes to fight diseases

Yet another impressive application of science that has and will continue to improve living standards, save countless lives around the world. You have got to love it when the solution to such a tricky problem at a global scale can be so simple and so contained in terms of unwanted environmental impact. Here is how mosquitoes can be used to help fight diseases:

Dumb Starbucks

I am sure most of us did not go to bed one evening and think that when we wake up there will be a coffee shop called the "Dumb Starbucks" in our high street. Well, it happened. It's kind of a clever marketing trick, and actually funny. It will be interesting to see how this story continues in the next few months. What is also noteworthy is that there is actually a very long queue with people waiting for hours to get their coffee at Dumb Starbucks. LOL, I will say no more. haha, thanks for this, I had a fun morning.

The Necessity of Death

A simple film triggered everything I went to watch the Robocop the other day and came out of the movie theater in a rather strange mood. In the story it showed the greed of a company and the strayed  ambition of a CEO overshadowing the good of human nature and the fate of the small family of Alex Murphy. Sometimes people get so lost in their little jobs and start to forget that no matter how much profit their work was generating, it is still just a job. To lose one's soul and the basic human decency for something so trivial just doesn't seem to be worth it. Personally I would prefer to live in a better world if it only costs a few billions (in term of missed improper business opportunities) to get there.   In some rare cases, individuals abuses their power and influence in society and are seemingly unstoppable. In the Robocop film, the story changed when these individuals died. And this bring us to the main topic of this post - the importance and the necessit

A basketball player's story during the one year of change

I have been trying to come up with a suitable title for this post in the past 10 minutes. For some reason, it turned out to be harder than it ought to be, perhaps it's because I have not really understood what my message is here. This post is about a rather different story of a basketball player, the personal account of a basketball player that played for Col Gaddafi in Libya before and during the uprising. I came across this story on BBC World Service looking for something different, and what a story it turned out to be. You can find the original BBC story by clicking on the picture below. What I find really sad from all of this is the crimes that human beings can inflict on each other once the state is overthrown and there are no rules. Why is rape, torture, murder, and destruction the first things that happen in these situations? Are our citizens just pretending to be law-abiding all their lives just because there are consequences for breaking the law, and would sho

Fighting Crime with Data and Analytics

Number talks, and statistics can help us see patterns and make more informed decisions. How do you make decisions if you can't even process all the information that is available to you?  This is why I believe Data Science matters, in almost all area of life. By collecting and processing the data available, the trends and patterns can be very revealing. It can help us see the inefficiencies and mistakes within our working systems and improve how we do things. However, I think this particular topic warrants its own particular warnings. when it comes to crime and justice, one must remember that statistics is just what it is - a number, the average, the trend, an indicator. It cannot and should not be used to predict what an individual will choose to do. If we go as far as arresting people based on the future probabilities that they will commit a crime, then we have robbed society and citizens of our world the basic right of being able to choose and be responsible for our