
Showing posts from March, 2015

Futuristic Farming: Smart Farmer Utilizing Big Data

The concept of having a farm that operates almost entirely through automated processes and helpful robots is fascinating. It brings to mind the popular game 'Farmville', where players focus on managing resources and profitability rather than the physical labor. Smart Farms offer a potential solution to the declining farming workforce in developed countries. With Smart Farms, individuals can operate a farming business without relying solely on physical strength. Additionally, Smart Farms are equipped with Big Data technology, which provides owners with valuable insights into their operation, optimizing productivity and identifying areas for improvement. With Smart Farms, individuals can enjoy the benefits of working with nature without the physical strain. The integration of Big Data technology enables farmers to gain a better understanding of their operations, making it easier to identify areas for improvement and boost productivity. Overall, Smart Farms offer a promising solut

Invisible Solar Cells That Could Power Skyscrapers

This technology is a great addition to the array of methods that we can use to capture solar power. Imagine this being used on all windows of all houses, all tablets and smart phones, all cars... even with a reduced power efficiency, this could turn out to be a significant complementary energy source that helps to reduce the dependency on carbon emitting energy sources.

Why Cheap Oil Doesn't Stop the Drilling

To fellow investors: Just to share with you a video which I think summarizes the recent oil events quite well. As for what this means in terms of future oil prices, I will let you do the maths.