Lead with Visions and Believes

I listened to this presentation twice, double checking whether or not there is a lesson worth taking away here. The idea is certainly interesting, suggesting why besides the usual best practices in running businesses, some companies are more successful than others.

Why, How, What- were the 3 levels of questions that the presenter asked. Everyone knows what their jobs are and what the company does (I hope!), some will know how things are done and how decisions are made, but how many people know why the company does what it does? Why is Intel making chips? Why is IBM investing in artificial intelligence that can play chess? Why is the BBC presenting news and also making documentaries and soaps? Why? Surely there are other quicker and more profitable ways of making money if profit is all that matters. As the presenter puts it, profit is the result, not the purpose.

This is certainly a refreshing way to look at businesses. Companies become successful when they creates a vision, a believe that others can understand and are willing to follow. You instinctively know what the company (such as Apple) is about without having to process it in terms of language. 

The Law of Diffusion of Innovation

It was also interesting to hear the importance of "attracting those that believe what you believe". Innovators and early adopters are best allies for new innovations. These are people that yarns for breakthroughs, eager to have something different to what is currently available and are willing to go to great length to get them. The majority will only follow when enough of these early adopters follow the new trend, then suddenly the new becomes the norm. 

I think this is my favorite line from the talk. It speaks of the importance of visions and believes. People are willing to follow when they share that same believe, and they follow because they want to, they follow because they are inspired.

Here is the video, I hope you will enjoy it.


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