The Differences Between Heroes and Saints, How It Affects Politics and All of Us

Heroes and Saints

In the rich tapestry of human archetypes, heroes and saints often emerge as central figures, each embodying distinct roles within society. The contrast between these two types has been a subject of philosophical and cultural discourse across civilizations. When we examine heroes and saints through the lens of their conquests, we quickly discover that these conquests differ significantly in nature.

A Hero's External Conquests

Traditionally, heroes are celebrated for their ability to conquer external challenges. They are figures of immense courage and capability, often rising in times of conflict or need to lead and fight. The hero's journey is predominantly outward-facing - engaging in battles, overcoming tangible obstacles, and achieving feats that often serve the collective needs of society or a community. This reflects the hero’s drive to impact the world externally, often changing the course of history through their actions.

However, this outward conquest comes with complexities. Heroes may be able to conquer the world, but not themselves. This reveals a potential internal tumult within heroes. Despite their strengths, heroes are as flawed as anyone else and may project their inner conflicts and troubles onto the world when in power, sometimes even burdening others with these challenges. In their relentless pursuit of external achievements, heroes often neglect the battles within, which can lead to unresolved personal turmoil and negative consequences on the rest of the world.

A Saint's Internal Victories

In contrast, true saints are revered not for the empires they build or the enemies they defeat but for their mastery over their own desires and faults. Saints do not wish to conquer the world, instead, they conquer themselves,  which is the essence of sainthood. This highlights a journey inward, focusing on self-reflection, self-control, and the purification of one’s moral and spiritual self.

Saints absorb and alleviate the suffering of others, picking up the troubles of the world themselves, showcasing profound empathy and commitment to the welfare of humanity. Unlike heroes, their battlefield is the human soul, and their victories contribute to a legacy of peace and understanding rather than one of conquest and dominion.

Cultural Reflections and Aspirations

The dichotomy between heroes and saints is deeply embedded in our cultural spirituality and offers a blueprint for personal and political greatness. While the traditional approach champions heroic, strong leadership, the world may benefit more from the less common saintly ideal of addressing the world's troubles not through domination but through personal sacrifice and moral integrity. It suggests that true greatness in governance and leadership is achieved through the saintly path of self-conquest and moral responsibility.

A Universal Lesson

In a way, our attraction to superheroes - and the success of Marvel films over the past decade, stems not only from their heroic deeds but also from how their achievements are balanced with self-conquests, personal development, and a strong sense of moral responsibility throughout their journeys.

The narratives of heroes and saints offer profound insights into the virtues we celebrate and the qualities we strive to embody. While heroes inspire us with their bravery and resilience in the face of external challenges, saints guide us toward achieving inner peace and moral excellence. Each archetype plays a critical role in shaping human history and culture. However, it is perhaps in the balance of these two archetypes that we can find the truest path to both personal fulfillment and societal harmony.

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