Are you for or against wearing masks?

The debate around masking reveals divisions in our society. For some, masks limit personal freedoms. Others see them as a minor inconvenience that can protect the vulnerable. Though uncomfortable, masks primarily prevent us from unknowingly spreading COVID through droplets when talking, coughing, or sneezing.

Ultimately, masking is a personal choice. But it allows us to take responsibility for not infecting others, especially as many carry COVID while asymptomatic. Wearing masks is not about fear, but care for our community. When infection rates rise, our health systems and economy suffer.

Rather than mandate masks, we could appeal to people's sense of service to adopt this simple act of kindness. If protecting each other is not incentive enough, consider the hardship when jobs and lives are lost. A small discomfort on our part can prevent immense suffering for others.

I choose to wear a mask in public spaces not out of fear, but in order not to spread the illness to others when I am feeling unwell. Perhaps if more people adopt this mindset, we could all have a different perspective about wearing masks. 



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