Using High Contrast Mode on Firefox, Accessibility

I read on computer screens for at least 8-9 hours a day. The bright white/blue light from the screens can make my eyes tire easily so I use high contrast mode whenever possible. On a Windows computer you can switch between the default view to High Contrast Mode by pressing Alt + Shift + PrintScreen. However, this will turn everything on the computer high contrast which may not be what you want.

I use Firefox and Chrome for web browsing. Both of them have high contrast add-ons that you can enable to easily switch to high contrast mode.

For Firefox, find the add-on here:

After you have added the add-on, a new icon should appear on the top right corner. You can now switch between the different views by simply clicking the icon. It looks like this:

There is a similar add-on on Chrome, you can get it here if you are using Chrome as your browser:


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