Recommended film: Suffragette

Suffragette, the 2015 British historical period drama film, is a powerful depiction of women's suffrage in the United Kingdom. Directed by Sarah Gavron and written by Abi Morgan, it is a must-see movie that inspires and educates about the struggles of previous generations. It stands alongside other inspiring political films like Milk, Pride, and The Post, which serve as reminders that many of the privileges we take for granted today, such as equality and freedom of the press, are the result of hard-fought battles won by our predecessors. Suffragette is a testament to the resilience and determination of women who paved the way for future generations to enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms.

The film portrays the life of a typical English working-class woman during a time when fighting for women's rights was considered taboo and even criminal. It's hard to imagine the struggles and sacrifices these women endured to bring about change in society.

Personally, I found the film to be truly inspiring. The courage and resilience displayed by these women were admirable, and what they stood for should have been common sense. It's tragic that they had to go through so much hardship to effect change, but I strongly disagreed with the use of violence as a means to their end. Instead, media attention and political momentum could have been harnessed to bring about greater awareness and support for their cause. Alternative methods could have been explored to achieve their objectives.

The film did prompt me to ponder why suppression is often the default response when our society is faced with change. Why must rights be fought for before being granted? Why can't we strive for inclusion and equality by default as our society naturally reaches for equilibrium? Why does our society continue to create a divide between those who have and those who have not?

While I don't have the answers to these questions yet, watching this film has made me more aware of the need for constant improvement in our society. Hopefully, one day we will be able to answer these questions and work towards a more equitable and inclusive future.

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