
The idea of implanted technology like RFID tags makes me squeamish and reminds me too much of dystopian fiction like the Hunger Games. However, many biohackers and transhumanists believe that implanted devices can genuinely improve our daily lives in practical ways. Though it may sound like science fiction, here are a few examples of how implanted tech could aid humans - look away now if you're faint of heart!

Some active biohackers have implanted RFID chips under their skin, usually between the thumb and forefinger, that can be scanned to unlock doors, log into computers, share contact information, and more. While remembering passwords and keys can be a hassle, having an implanted chip may take convenience to the next level. Proponents argue that RFID implants aren't tracking devices, but simply access tools voluntarily chosen.

Magnets implanted in fingertips provide a "sixth sense" of feeling magnetic and electromagnetic fields around you. Biohackers claim this allows them to detect power from idle electronics or wiring behind walls. You could also attach small objects to your magnetic fingers for fun party tricks.

For people with hearing loss, implanted magnets have been used to secure special earbuds in place so they don't fall out. The earbuds connect to an external sound processor that transmits audio through bone conduction. Implants like these could mean less fiddling with slipping hearing aids.

Of course, there are risks like infection and electrical issues with implanted tech. And not everyone wants to become a high-tech cyborg. But some biohackers feel the benefits outweigh the risks and that moderate implant tech can assist people without going overboard.


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