Which Programming Language Should I Learn?

I have been following an online course lately. A bunch of different programming languages were thrown in as part of the syllabus. However, after completing about 1/3 of the course, I can't help but wonder if I should invest more time perfecting these languages, or if those were merely taught to demonstrate the concepts and ideas.

So which programming languages should you learn? Among others, website Dev/Code/Hack suggests a different question - what is the problem that you are trying to solve? In other words, your intended application.

The popular languages today are: Ruby, Python, PHP, Objective-C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, .Net, C/C++. Oh, they even included handy summary tables of what each of the languages are typically used for - very useful.


Personally I don't know enough about the industry to comment on which language specialists tend to be higher earners, but author of the blog seems to suggest: Python, Objective-C, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. You'll also need to get some kind of database (MySQL, MongoDB), and learn how to program with it.
Note: I should revisit this post in a few years to see if I agree with it.

It comments further:
If you want to program video games or high-frequency trading apps, then C++ is probably the way for you. If you want to make websites, Python, Ruby or PHP are great, along with HTML/CSS/JS. If you want to program IPhone then Objective-C is the way.

JavaScript, HTML and CSS are used together and is used for making stuff look good in your web browser. They will always be used in conjunction with a server-side language such as Python, Ruby or PHP.


Typically, there are folks who deal with the back-end and folks who deal with the front-end. These days there is a new crop of people who do mobile. Sometimes you can find people who do all of the above, but generally when you look for a job you will fill just one of those roles.

I think I have a clearer idea of what to expect now. 
Time to go back to the tutorials!


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