Understanding names of basic organic compounds

Okay, so this really doesn't count as a new skill that I have learned, more like an old skill of which I have lost, or forgotten long ago. It has been a while since I have opened up any chemistry books. After A-Level (high school), Chemistry was never used again due to my career choice, and I have simply forgotten it all. What a shame! because I remember it took a lot of effort and I was quite good at it (and also the fact that my peers that have continued in chemistry are now making tonnes of money - but who is counting).

Another thing I have discovered, and I wonder how many of you feel the same way. Although I don't think I have changed or really learned that much in my undergraduate university days, as I got older, learning seemed to get easier as if I had a good IQ boost. I suppose it has got easier partly because we gradually learn to identify important information quickly with experience, and are more able to sort information (knowing how we learn best) in our head. Although, as the same time, I can also feel it has gotten harder summon up Creativity, where did all the crazy ideas go?!

Looking back at those chemistry notes, I was surprised that something that took weeks to learn when I was 16 now only took 30 minutes. Nevertheless, it does bring back lots of memories. It brings a smile to my face to be reminded of all those hours spent in the library with friends, trying to learn all those things that didn't really make sense. :)



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