Meaning - A watershed moment

This morning, while conversing with a friend, it dawned on me that so many brilliant English words and phrases are rarely used these days, and we don't pay much attention to them when they make a rare appearance. So I thought I should listen out for these hidden gems and see how many I can find this year.

What is a Watershed?
According to It is a ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river systems. Also called dividewater parting.


So water on the other side of the two ridges does not fall into this river system.

A Watershed Moment
A critical turning point. A moment in time where everything changes. A point in time when nothing after will ever be the same as before. To call it a turning point technically is true, but it is an overly simplistic definition of the phrase. The figurative meaning comes from the literal meaning of a point where the water system is split into two distinct paths.

Do you see or hear any "watershed moments" anywhere?


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