
Showing posts from March, 2014

Indeterminate Sentences (IPP)

  Somewhat horrified to find that this kind of injustice is happening in our own country. Surely it's common sense to realize that leaving people in the prison indefinitely not for their crime but because the paperwork cannot be processed fast enough or the "behaviour management courses" only have limited seats is completely unacceptable.  And many of these are young adults too. Sending them to prison to mingle with other "more experienced" criminals is bad enough; telling them that they will be in prison indefinitely is simply ending all hope in those that we are trying to rehabilitate.   The worst part is that now that we know it's wrong and not working, and there is unjust and unnecessary suffering in the prison system, the existing cases will have two choices - continue their suffering beyond their crime and wait for their turn to be processed in a few years, or kill themselves. The system cannot put in more resources to correct its failing

A life of purpose

Following the previous discussion on "purpose", I also found this talk online that is quite inspiring and made a lot of sense. The examples given are related to Christianity but the underlying topic is relevant to us all. What we believe in ultimately determines what we do. What is life to you? Go to work, come home, family, watch TV, go to bed, go to work, come home, family, watch TV, go to bed, go to parties on weekends... at what point do you realize that you are actually bored of this? Surely there is more to life than this. We can have a better sense of "purpose" if we figure out what we are supposed to do in life. We are hard wired differently. Each of us have different skills, different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. There are some things that we can do with ease and enjoy doing, that others would find strenuous or unappealing. What is YOURs? We are also each given different cards in life, some are more fortunate than others. What do you have a